Tuesday, May 08, 2007

disastrous breakouts

for the past week or so, angry red pimples have been popping up on my face...can't understand why i am still getting acne breakouts at the grand old age of 31, or why sometimes, my face seems fine, but other times, those pores just got clogged so easily and out pops a pimple!

Could it be due to these recent events:

a) return to snacking after staying off chips and my office's M&Ms for a few weeks in an attempt to lose some pounds (and it didn't help that Ben recently gave us a HUGE bag of absolutely heavenly tasting caramel and cheese popcorns his wife bought from Chicago)

b) dirty pillow cases and towels

c) that time of the month

d) all of the above?

In any case, I am just praying that those pimples will subside soon and not leave any permanent marks on my already blemished face! Arrghh!


Mamamia said...

Aiyoh! Auntie....Better stop eating those rubbish lah. Drink more water and for goodness sake, wash those dirty pillowcases. My mum washes ours every week because we drool so much. YUCK!

American tales said...

Well, we finished the popcorn already, and shouldn't be buying any more snacks for the time being, so my snacking should stop for now! :)

Yes, we have decided to wash our pillow cases once a week as well, as a preventive measure!

Drinking more water is a good idea as well, especially if you do it first thing in the morning!