Monday, October 30, 2006


successfully baked my chocolate muffins w choc-cherry ice cream (erm, I cheated a little by using ready made Ben & Jerry's cherry garcia ice cream instead of making my own with vanilla ice cream and choc-cherry bar)

But there is always a little story to tell...

I actually baked twice for this dessert - the first time, I can't explain why, but I was so muddle headed and put in 1/8 cup of baking soda instead of 1/8 teaspoon of it!

this is the"chao ta" version - Needless to say, it was a flop - the muffins sunk in the middle... it actually tasted very bitter and "soapy" - yucks!

this is the second try - yummy! brought 4 muffins to HL's project discussion for his team mates - I think they gave the thumbs-up too! :)


Anonymous said...

Hahaha so funny! The 1/8 cup thingy :D hee.. next time you come back must bake and let us try yah! Looks very appetitising and cafe standard leh! HL's a lucky chap! :)


American tales said...

yup he sure is - will remind him again! haha! sure, next time when I am back, will bake it - it is actually really quite simple :)

Anonymous said...

Hee for someone like me who only know how to eat, baking is never easy! :P


hon said...

hi Anna!
Honey here. Your muffins - even the ruined ones - look absolutely yummilicious! Why never bake for us while you were here??

American tales said...

Hi Honey,

will bake for you guys when I am back next year - well, you know, I never had time to do much when i was working! :)