Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Simple Life

No, not the show starring Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie, but my life here.

So far, I have been leading a very "idyllic" life here, no work stress, no studies (till next year that is, when I have to start studying for my CFA level III, my 3rd attempt no less)...

On Mondays, I have work from 9am to 1pm (and now I also have work from 9 to 11am on Fridays) and my intro to drawing class from 1.30 to 3.30pm, so I have to wake up at 8am. Similarly on Tuesdays and Thursdays, HL has 8.30am class, so I wake up at 7am to prepare breakfast for him.

I cook dinner almost every day - as for lunch, if HL is eating at home, I will cook lunch for him. My own lunch are much simpler affairs, usually it is salad (vegetables, tomato, egg and croutons) or sandwiches.

I will do housework on weekdays once a week (vacuum the apt, clean the bathroom and kitchen, wipe the tables/shelves).

The rest of the days, I will check my mails, update the blog, shop for groceries, watch TV (been doing a lot of that, esp at nights when HL is doing his assignments or readings), or go for talks and tours...I also tried baking once - more on that in another post...

This is my life here so far...looking forward to the language classes next week (the portuguese one starts tomorrow)

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